(Derived from Cretaceous Period fresh water humic substances)
Application Directions:
SEED SOAK: 1/4 tsp per gallon; soak tomato seeds 72 hrs, cabbage & squash 48 hrs, potatoes 12 hrs, and most other vegetable seeds 24 hrs before planting. Water seedlings at transplanting with same rate.
CONTAINER GARDENING USE: 1/8 – 1/4 tsp per gallon every watering
HYDROPONICS: 1/8 – 1/4 tsp per gallon of nutrient solution used in reservoir (use with every reservoir change; top-offs can be charged with half to quarter normal rate).
BEDS / LAWNS (BROADCAST): 1-3 ounces per 1000 square feet applied every 2-6 weeks during growing season.
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Ful-Humix® is a soluble, concentrated humic powder and powerful soil/nutrient activator. It increases nutrient efficiency and uptake, increases cellular activities at all levels, stimulates beneficial microorganisms and converts raw organic matter and fertilizers into available forms for faster uptake. In the root zone it reduces the uptake of sodium, aluminum and other metals that negatively effect plants. Ful-Humix® will also buffer the soil with organic biopolymers, thus preventing tie up of nutrients and trace elements (through chelation and complexing).
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