
Jet Ag is a blend of hydrogen peroxide and peroxyacetic acid. It controls molds, fungi, bacteria, algae and mildew. This product provides a curative treatment only but leaves no residue. It is very effective for treating produce to lengthen shelf life by getting rid of pathogens.


JetAg-Info Sheet

Call to order this product. 970-800-1049.

Jet-Ag® – A Fungicide, Bactericide, Algaecide for Agricultural Uses


 Active Ingredients: Hydrogen Peroxide ………

26.5% Peroxyacetic Acid ………….

4.9% Other Ingredients:………….. 68.6%

Total: …………………………… 100.0%




Download Jet-Ag-Greenhouses Label


Marrone Jet-Ag
Marrone Jet-Ag

Greenhouse and Irrigation Sanitation
Suppress/control fungi & slime-forming algae on structures:
• Benches and equipment, walls, floors and walkways
• Ventilation ducts and irrigation systems


Soil Drench and Pre-Plant Dip
Suppress/control soil born disease, damping-off, root & stem rot
diseases caused by:
• Pythium, Phytophthora and Rhizoctania
• Fusarium or Thielaviopsis on:
– Potting soil and growing mediums
– Ornamental and nursery plants

Foliar Spray Treatment Against Broad-Spectrum Diseases
In greenhouses, suppress/control plant pathogens on plant surfaces:
• Ornamentals, shrubs, trees, bedding and flowering plants
In field control and suppression of disease of nursery stock:
• Bedding and flowering plants, woody ornamentals, shade trees,
roses, azaleas, rhododendrons and conifers


Bareroot Nursery Stock
• Prevent Botrytis on bud wood and nursery stock


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