Nitro-Mino Instructions
Guarantee Analysis
Total Nitrogen (N)…….14%
14% Water Soluble Nitrogen
Directions for use:
Greenhouse and Indoor Production: Soil/Soilless/Hydroponics/Compost Tea/Foliar Sprays
(per application as needed) 1/2 tsp to 1 tbsp per gal.
Field Application: Soil Fertility/Foliar Application
2-10 lbs. per acre
Lawn and Garden: 0.5 to 2 oz. per gal.
General Info: Nitro-Mino can be applied to all crops including trees, vines, ornamentals, small fruits, vegetable, row crops, field crops, feed crops, forage and pasture. It can be applied by broadcasting, in furrow, as a side dress, via spray and through fertigation. Consult with your agronomist for application recommendations. Perform a jar test prior to tank mixing. While applying consider reducing overall fertilizer application rates. Refer to feedcharts for detailed application rates and timing at: www.bioag/feedcharts/
Storage: Store in a cool, dry environment. Keep product in a sealed container away from moisture
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